
Inspired by discussions with Laura Keeble, and her work 'What is an Artist Worth?' I have begun developing a series of works about my own artistic pay, value and worth.

Value Map is a variant of an ever expanding visual representation of my life's work. Several years ago my website was modelled on the National Rail website, with lines representing type of work, stations being projects, my CV the get the drift. This map is the only remnant of that idea.

For Value Map I replaced all project names and with the amount of money I had earned for them. Some projects are ongoing, such as my musical releases which sell slowly after the initial glut, so this offers a snapshot in time with values earned up until that moment (November 2014).

'Value.gif' takes the focus on earnings a little further, exposing the details of who I worked for, what the job was and how much I earned for that job, during teh financial year 2014-15.

Yes, I earned under £8,000 for that year. It hasn't been the first time. I'm going to expand on those details next.


​21st July - 19th September 2015, Graphics Interchange Format: 25 years of Focal Point Gallery, Southend (value.gif)